domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

The Naked Body

But let us now turn to a simple fact that is truly beneficial to your sex life: You will only be capable of having a full and pleasurable sexuality if you can feel totally at ease with your nudity!

How many people insist on keeping themselves dressed, even during sex, because they cannot feel comfortable with their nude bodies.  They can either stay dressed, or they keep themselves at dim light rooms, or they do everything very quickly so they can get dressed as soon as possible. None of these people can have real sexual pleasure because they are extremely uncomfortable without clothes, because of the constant pressures of society to keep them dressed.

It is necessary to learn to feel comfortable with your nakedness, to get used to the absence of clothes.

If not, let's see: Has anyone ever seen an animal feel comfortable with clothes?  No animal can feel at ease wearing clothes, even because they have been born naturally covered with hair, which serves to keep them warm, so as not to lose the warmth of the body necessary for their survival.

Of course, clothing is necessary for humans to cope with low temperatures, thus keeping their bodies warm, preventing them from dying by hypothermic processes, that is, loss of body heat. But we also learned how to build houses, where we could keep ourselves in a warm environment, protected from low external temperatures. So once we're protected from the cold outside, we can get rid of our clothes, right?!

But society...

Do you remember when I said that society considers the naked body offensive, immoral, sinful?  Well, let's look at the example given by the Naturists, those who love to walk naked in groups and in environments considered public.  Society has already learned to live with these people, as long as they are isolated in their own environment!  So much hypocrisy...  But the members of this philosophy show us that it is possible to live in community, in total harmony with nature, without the use of clothes, facing their own nakedness with the utmost naturalness. And no one feels offended, or becomes traumatized by it! It is even very healthy for children, who in this way grow up believing that there is nothing wrong with their bodies, they become much more confident and free beings! Free from prejudices and guilts.

The person who can overcome his prejudices and fears, and comes to live with people who face not only nudity, but sex with naturalness, become much more confident people, and begin to see the nude body in a totally different way.  They are no longer worried about their small defects, for they realize that they all have them, and yet they do not care about them!

There is also the Tantric aspect of it all. Our body is built by a nervous grid that runs the full length of our skin, allowing us to have sensitivity throughout the entire dermal surface. This characteristic allows us to be extremely sensitive to the touch, to feel the environment, the caress of the wind environment, water, sand, any surface that touches our skin.

Not necessarily outdoors, only! Just try sleeping without clothes. Allow yourself to feel the touch of the bed sheet, the covers that cover it, a sheet. You will realize that the moment you allow yourself to open to the touch of these tissues in your skin, you will begin to increase the sensitivity of your skin, and you will begin to feel a pleasure in that touch that will lead you to an excitement never experienced by anyone who is constantly covered in clothes!  You will feel a powerful electric current flowing through your skin, and this can give you a whole new universe of orgasms, all over your body.  Do you really think only your genitals are sensitive to touch?!

You can also try something else, if you want to amplify that feeling: On a hot summer day, or even in a preheated environment, try lying down on the bed, and instead of covering yourself with any tissue, turn on a blower producing an air movement along your body, from the feet to the head.  Try to lie on your stomach first, feeling the caress of that wind along the length of your skin, traversing your legs, your buttocks, a portion of your genitals, your back, your arms. Allow yourself to feel this caress for a while, simply staying relaxed for an hour. You will see that the sensation produced will be indescribably pleasurable and powerful, and will begin to cause you great orgasms as you get used to this form of meditation. And this will certainly make you fall in love with being without clothes, for your body will begin to open to a level of sensitivity that you have never experienced before!

You will truly be opening yourself to not only smell, see and hear, but to truly feel the life on your skin!  And this will bring a new dimension to your life, and you will discover the true pleasure of not only being alive, but possessing a body that allows it.

Learn to love your body, as you have never been able to love it!  But this will require that you truly face your fears and prejudices, pre-programmed by this insane society.

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